want to be the 3 moustacheteers?
I failed to mention to her I want to start my moustache project
want to glue moustaches everywhere on everything I see
have discovered a new market in Newtown I don't know if they're there every week or what
but I found a pair of velveteen shoes for 5 dollars
Amo, amas, amat. Quid pro quo.
Memento mori. Ad infinitum.
there should've been a sign next to this SUPREME hair dryer that says
'if you use this you can achieve the Grease Lightening look'
she is so lovely
I love to stare at beautiful people but sometimes they don't like that
but if they dont like that then they don't deserve to be so beautiful
you know how people approach actors and say 'hey! aren't you that ....'
why don't people ever approach dogs and say 'hey aren't you that dog from There's Something About Mary'
or approach cats and say 'aren't you that cat from Breakfast at Tiffany's the poor old cat that doesn't have a name until Audrey gets some furnitures'
this is what every single penguin is thinking
can I please fly instead of flap my arms around silly all day
or have I nodded off to sleep during biology class and actually penguins can fly
and this sign is a very factual representation
do you look around you and suddenly see how each and every little detail
of this world is an expression of the constant human effort
breathing is an effort
and thinking is an effort
human consciousness is a total of our efforts
it is an effort to see and to think and to feel and to analyze and to judge
and he said
and that is why human consciousness is so damn dangerous
to the monkey
"Are you aware of the effect...
you have on the average
mammalian, Mancunian...
X-Y'ly chromosome, slavering...
lusty male member of the species?"
"Uh... yeah."
when I am old I will be one of those grandmas who still think they're in their 30s wear fucking sparkly knitted jumpers and get a mohawk