Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pictures taken outside VA

pre Raphaelite

whispering folds of pine green

Miss Leo
inspires new tattoo .

Neon sandals on Crown St.

glamorous Thrift chick

on a side note:

Today, Mark - a freelance photographer came in with his enormous camera to shoot some of VA treasures
I got to pose with a Tee too, (tried to retain an air of nonchalant. shouting EUREEEKKAH! on the inside. joking, I wasnt sporting anything cool.)

Is Le Tired! & sorry my photos does not do these beauties justice.
the last couple of days kept missing cool peepz on the streetz. ah well


* * *
Note to self :
1. ze camera must NEVER leave self
2. if you miss that 3 seconds window upon encountering a bombastic fashionista
they are gone forever (as awesome people seem to glide effortlessly down the street 10 times faster than normal human rate)

Yes ma'am I have learned my lesson.

Love me